Struggling to write a sonnet for your loved one, but can't find a convenient rhyme to describe her endearing sneeze? How about wheeze? Or peas? Or ease?
Writing poetry is hard. Songs, too.
Now, you can relax and tell the app do the hard work of comparing phoneme strings as you kick back and let RhymeBook come up with convenient and often juvenile rhymes for whatever word you can think of.
RhymeBook is fantastic for English students, it's essential for unimaginative rappers, it's perfect for poets.
Tapping on a word brings up its wiktionary definition (It needs internet access for this).
Works with proper names as well as standard words - just make sure you capitalize them.
Oh dearest Eloise,
I love the way you sneeze.
If only you'd refreeze,
the thawed out bag of peas.
And it would be a wheeze,
If together we could seize,
A barking little Pekingese,
Together, we could do it. Please!
RhymeBook contains over 40,000 words and their pronunciations, scraped from Every effort ha been made to standardize the various pronunciation keys and styles used, and eliminate false matches</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>